Free and Confidential Women's Center

You’ve just been told your partner is pregnant.  What emotions and thoughts are running through your mind right now?   “I’m too young to be a dad!”  “I can’t financially or emotionally support my partner or a new baby.”  “How do we tell our parents and friends about this?”  All of these thoughts, these questions, are normal.  Your world has just been changed.  Excitement, worry, doubts and fears are all a part of the process of discovering you’re about to be a parent.  But, you are not alone!  We understand here at Life Options Clinic!

For the obvious reasons, a pregnancy is different for a man than a woman.  However, you are both responsible for this new life.  Your involvement as a father is so important.  And, although we do understand that your partner has the legal right to choose whether she will carry the baby, or seek an abortion, even without your consent, this doesn’t mean that you do not have any choices.

Your involvement in throughout the pregnancy and into your child’s life is vital.  Just look at the information below to understand the significance of fatherhood.

You may have had a wonderful relationship with your dad.  Think about the positive impact that had in your life.  Don’t you want to have that same impact on the life of your child?  Or, maybe you didn’t have a loving, supportive father.  Then, think about the negative impact that has had in your life.  You can change the outcome for your child.

You have to ask yourself—what kind of choices am I going to make as a father and as a partner?

  • Will I choose to be an active participant in this pregnancy?
  • Will I choose to pressure my partner into an abortion?
  • Will I choose to “check out,” and say that it’s up to her and just leave her to walk this journey and decision making on her own?
  • Will I choose to educate myself on the options so I can help my partner on this parenting journey — through all the decisions that need to be made?

These questions must be asked, but also must be answered. Only YOU can choose what kind of father and partner you will be.  We want you to know you are not alone.  We are here to offer services and support to both you and your pregnant partner.

Life Options Clinic is a safe place to think and talk through what the future holds for you and your partner.  We do have male advocates who are ready and waiting to help you on this journey.  Please, get educated on what your options are so that you and your partner can make a healthy choice.  You will find loving, supportive care here at Life Options Clinic.  We want to help you embrace and celebrate this journey into fatherhood.  Everything we do is free and confidential.  So please, let us help you.  Call us today at 850-983-2730.

Who you are tomorrow
begins with what you do today.