Free and Confidential Women's Center

Will My Insurance Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion?

Navigating the complexities of health insurance can be challenging, especially when it comes to sensitive and urgent matters like an unexpected pregnancy. Generally, insurance only covers a partner if you are legally married. Also, in Florida, state and federal funds cannot be used to pay for abortions. Without insurance coverage, the cost of an abortion

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Is an Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

An online or at-home abortion involves ordering the drugs for a medical abortion to take at home without visiting an abortion clinic or healthcare provider. The FDA advises against buying abortion drugs online, as it bypasses many safeguards and can put your health at risk. This is because they cannot guarantee the quality, effectiveness, or

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What Is The Abortion Pill?

If you’re unexpectedly pregnant, you may be looking into your options, one of which is the abortion pill. It’s essential to get all the information you can to protect your health. The abortion pill is a series of two drugs used to end a pregnancy. It’s also referred to as a medical abortion. Life Options

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My Partner is Pressuring Me to Have an Abortion, But I’m Not Sure

It can be a difficult situation if you’re feeling pressured into an abortion. It’s essential that you take a moment to pause and think carefully about your options. While you may be concerned about how your partner feels or how loved ones will react, remember, this is your decision. Know The Mental Health Risks According

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I Don’t Want Another Abortion

There are all types of reasons you may not want an abortion. You may have had a bad experience, or maybe it just didn’t feel right. No matter the reason, know that your feelings are valid and there are other options available to you if you’re unexpectedly pregnant. While both these options require you to

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What Is a Medical Abortion?

Discovering an unplanned pregnancy can lead you to explore various options. Medical abortion, also known as the “abortion pill,”  is an option during the early stages of pregnancy. Before proceeding, you should arm yourself with comprehensive knowledge to protect your health and well-being. Understanding the procedure and its potential risks is crucial in making an

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3 Things To Know If You Are Considering Mail-Order Abortion

When confronted with an unplanned pregnancy, you might be looking into mail-order abortion as an option. This requires you to purchase the drugs online and have them mailed to your home. However, it’s imperative to know the risks involved when considering this. You need to understand if you are eligible for a medical abortion, the

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Physically?

Sorting through the information about abortion during an unexpected pregnancy can be daunting. A frequently overlooked aspect is the effect of an abortion on your health and wellness. Abortion is a serious medical procedure that comes with physical side effects and potential risks to your health. Types Of Abortion There are two types of abortion

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

Abortion comes with risks to your mental health—and these risks are more likely if you feel at all pressured into having an abortion.  This is why, if you’re considering abortion, it’s critical to ensure that you’re making this decision without any outside influence. Read on to learn more about how abortion affect you mentally and

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begins with what you do today.