Free and Confidential Women's Center

I Don’t Want to Be Pregnant. Is Abortion My Only Option?

If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy and wondering if abortion is your only option, the answer is no. You have other options, which include parenting and adoption. While these choices require you to carry the pregnancy to term, they both give your pregnancy a future and can be highly rewarding. Read on to learn more

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Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

Abortion is a permanent, life-changing decision with physical and mental health risks. At Life Options Clinic, we believe that every woman deserves to know all the facts about abortion so she can protect her health.  If you’re facing an unplanned pregnancy and considering abortion, knowing all you can before making this choice is essential. Knowledge

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How Can I Recover Emotionally After an Abortion?

Recovering emotionally after an abortion can be a profoundly personal journey, and it’s important to acknowledge that many women experience a range of emotions during this time. Feeling a mix of sadness, guilt, relief, or even loss is entirely normal. The emotional impact of abortion is often underestimated, and many women struggle to cope with

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3 Things Needed Before an Abortion?

Before pursuing an abortion, a woman should obtain high-quality pregnancy testing, an ultrasound, and STI testing. These steps are necessary before an abortion to protect the health and safety of the woman. Pregnancy Testing If you have already tested at home, following up with a free, high-quality pregnancy test, like those offered for free at

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Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

Deciding on a pregnancy outcome option can be extremely challenging when faced with an unexpected pregnancy. Though it may seem too difficult to choose, you are the best person to make this decision. If you know parenting will not work for you, you can choose between abortion and adoption. Abortion Many women view abortion as

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What Are the Signs of an Incomplete Abortion?

What Is an Incomplete Abortion? An incomplete abortion is a risk of both medical and surgical abortion. An incomplete abortion occurs when tissue from the pregnancy remains in the woman’s uterus after the pregnancy has been terminated. Incomplete abortion can lead to severe complications, like bleeding and infection, and requires medical intervention. Signs of an

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What Are the Mental Health Effects of Abortion?

Anxiety, grief, depression, and many more side effects of abortion have a way of dramatically weighing you down in life. Maybe you’ve experienced this firsthand after abortion, but many women are unaware of the serious mental health effects of abortion. You may have read about the physical side effects of an unexpected pregnancy. Your mental

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What are the Different Types of Abortion?

Going back and forth between your pregnancy options? Maybe you’re confused about the different types of abortion.  In this blog, we want to clarify what makes each abortion procedure different, why it matters, and the risks. Medical Vs. Surgical Abortion 1. Medical Abortion Referred to as the abortion pill, medical abortion includes two different drugs.

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What Are the Risks of Abortion?

Are you considering an abortion as you think over your pregnancy options? A pregnancy decision is definitely not an easy one, and you deserve the facts.   As this decision can affect your health, it’s important to understand the risks of abortion. If you’d like to learn more after reading this blog, our caring team

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Does True Love Really Wait?

We have always had a movement for abstinence.  It’s gone by several names … one most commonly known is “true love waits.”  We live in a world that shouts “DON’T WAIT.”  “YOU CAN’T WAIT.”  “IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO WAIT.”  But, is that true?  Is it impossible to wait?  I recently heard a wonderful phrase by Roland

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Who you are tomorrow
begins with what you do today.